Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetic Foot Pain

Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetic Foot Pain

Diabetic foot pain is a common problem for those with diabetes. It is caused by a combination of factors, including nerve damage, poor circulation, and deformities in the feet. The pain can be debilitating and make it difficult to walk or stand for long periods.

Several treatments are available for diabetic foot pain, but many of them come with a range of side effects. Ayurvedic treatment is a natural, holistic approach that relieves diabetic foot pain. It is safe, gentle, and does not have any side effects.

If you are suffering from diabetic foot pain, ayurvedic treatment is worth considering. Keep reading to learn more about how this natural approach can help relieve your pain!

How does diabetes affect feet?

Diabetes can have a severe impact on the feet. People with diabetes often have poor circulation and nerve damage, which can cause numbness in the feet and make it difficult to detect injuries. Diabetes can also lead to deformities in the feet and increased susceptibility to infection. These factors can increase the risk of serious problems, including ulcers, gangrene, and amputation.

Diabetic foot pain symptoms

Diabetic foot pain can vary in intensity and duration. It can range from a dull ache to a sharp burning sensation. The pain can also change depending on your activity level, posture, and time you spend walking or standing. Other common symptoms include numbness, tingling, throbbing, and cramping. Not all people with diabetes experience these symptoms, but it is essential to be aware of them so that you can act quickly if the pain becomes severe.

Ayurvedic Management for diabetic foot pain

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetic foot pain is based on restoring balance to the body. Ayurvedic practitioners will determine your body type and create a personalized treatment plan that includes lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and massage. The treatment aims to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, nourish the nerves, and improve overall health. Here are some specialized ayurvedic treatment protocols for the diabetic foot.


Udwartanam with Triphala churna helps enhance blood circulation and stimulates the liquefaction of medas.


To increase blood circulation, stimulate the nerves, and reduce tension, the entire body is softly massaged with medicinal oil. They focus mainly on foot, which is usually affected by neuropathy (Padabhyanga). Abhyanga with ksheerabala taila is especially beneficial in neuropathies.


Shirodhara is the medicinal application of warm oils in a steady stream to the middle of the forehead. Shirodhara promotes mental and physiological relaxation. It helps clarity and bliss to emerge while reducing mental and emotional tension.

Ksheera Dhoomam

It is a specific kind of medicated milk steaming used for nervous system issues.


Pizhichil improves blood circulation and concurrently eliminates toxins from the body by combining oil and heat therapy. It is one of the main ayurvedic Panchakarma procedures. Following a restorative massage, the therapeutic oil is squeezed from the cloth and applied to the patient’s body. Pizhichil with pinda taila is especially beneficial in this condition.


Kizhi is a term for a ball of cloth used as a poultice or bolus. The njavara rice is boiled in bala kashaya, and milk is placed within a cotton bolus. The body is gently massaged with medicated oil after applying it to the bolus to induce sweating. In ayurvedic medicine, njavarakizhi aids in the elimination of toxins from the body and relieves stress and neurological issues.

Apart from external ayurvedic treatment, internal medications such as ksheera kashaya and rasa preparations are equally important. Intake of Triphala churna 

acts as a rejuvenating drug and helps prevent diabetic-associated complications.

Diet and lifestyle changes

  • Maintain a balanced diet
  • Do not smoke
  • Reduce your alcohol consumption.
  • Whole grains in place of refined grains
  • Avoid missing meals.
  • Consume a lot of fruit and veggies.
  • Limit your intake of sugar and fat.
  • Eat more regularly at smaller meals rather than larger ones.
  • Keep an eye on your carbohydrate intake.

Natural tips to prevent diabetic foot pain

  • Examining your feet daily: Look for warts or other lesions that your shoes might rub, as well as wounds, redness, and other changes in the skin and toenails. Make sure to examine your feet’ soles as well.
  • Wash your feet every day with soap and warm water. Avoid soaking your feet because doing so can promote skin dryness. Use talcum powder or cornflour between your toes after drying your feet. They absorb contamination-causing moisture. Avoid applying lotion between your toes if you use it.
  • Using a clipper to cut your toenails straight across. Have a podiatrist (foot doctor) trim your toenails if you find it challenging to do it yourself or if they are thick or curl into the skin.
  • Always wear comfortable shoes, socks, or slippers to protect your feet when walking. Even inside, it would help if you didn’t walk barefoot. Also, make sure the inside of your shoes is smooth. A seam or stone could severely rub your skin.
  • Defending your feet from the cold and the heat. Avoid walking barefoot and apply sunscreen to exposed skin when at the beach. Instead of warming your feet next to a heater or fireplace in chilly weather, put on some warm socks.
  • Maintaining blood flow to your feet. When you’re sitting, raise your feet. During the day, move your feet in circles and wiggle your toes. Avoid using tight socks. Additionally, engage in many activities that are easy on your feet, including walking.
  • Have your feet examined when you see the doctor. Have your healthcare practitioner examine your feet even if you haven’t noticed any issues.
  • Try to control your blood glucose levels, as this can help reduce your risk of complications.
  • Keep your feet warm, avoid smoking, and take regular breaks when standing or walking.

Wrapping up

Diabetic foot pain can severely impact your quality of life and make it difficult to walk or stand for extended periods. Ayurvedic treatment is a safe, holistic approach that relieves this type of pain. It involves lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and massage to reduce inflammation, nourish the nerves, and restore balance to the body. Practicing healthy habits and taking steps to prevent diabetic foot pain can help you manage your condition more effectively.

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