The benefits of Shiroabhyanga or Ayurvedic head massage are plentiful. This ancient therapy has effectively treated hair loss, scalp dryness, dandruff, and psychosomatic, degenerative, and inflammatory diseases. Not only that, but it can also help reduce stress levels and alleviate associated pain. In other words, Shiro abhyanga is a boon for those seeking a natural and holistic way to improve their overall well-being, from the top of their head to the tip of their toes.
Shiro Abhyanga is the preferred treatment for Shiro Rogas (diseases related to the head). The head is nourished, the face becomes more beautiful and glossy, and the sense organs are nourished. The hairs become smooth, long, dense, oily, and black.
What is Shiro Abhyanga
The Sanskrit name Shiro Abhyanga combines Shiro (head) and Abhyanga (massage).
Stress is the most common factor in this world, which affects the whole population and can be curbed with shiro abhyanga and is therefore described as a thorough massage and relaxation that targets the head, neck, and shoulder areas.Â
This reviving Ayurvedic massage uses herbal-infused oils tailored to each dosha. Usually, the massage oil is pre-mixed with strong, all-natural herbs that treat particular illnesses. Regular head massages strengthen the jaw and neck muscles and prevent hair loss and greying, dandruff, and disorders with vata genesis in the head.
Importance of Shiro Abhyanga
Shiro abhyanga nourishes the body’s prana, the subtle part of the vata dosha. Shiro abhyanga is also beneficial as it helps to relax the body and mind, hair growth, and skin care. Shiro refers to the mind, head, and neck, whereas abhyanga is a massage technique. The skull is the center of the nervous system and one of the first places where the foetus develops during pregnancy. The brahmarandhra, or tenth gate, is a temperate region on the baby’s skull’s crown. It is located directly above the pineal gland and the olfactory lobe in the midbrain. The human body has ten gates through which prana can exit, as shown below.
1. Two Sets of EyesÂ
2. Both EarsÂ
3. NostrilsÂ
4. Mouth
 5. Genital organsÂ
6. AnusÂ
7. Brahmarandhra, The brahmarandhra closes at about nine months, and a gentle scalp massage with oil can help the child learn, think, and remember more and aid the five senses. Shiro abhyanga stimulates arterial, venous, and lymphatic flow while nourishing skin and surrounding tissues. It also improves the condition of the scalp, which may help prevent hair loss. According to Ayurveda, Mana is a ubhyatamaka indriya that connects the brain to the other ten indriyas (5 karmaendriyas + 5 gyanendriyas).
When the shleshma and tamas gunas affect mana, its ability to link is hampered or temporarily halted. This natural transitional stage is known as Nidra. The mind and sense organs cannot experience sense objects due to exhaustion, known as Nidra or sleep. It is simply a physiological entity required for a normal, healthy existence. Nidra is known in the classics as tryaopastambha or the sub-pillar of life. Sleep is necessary for physical strength, complexion, and sustenance.
Abhyanga reduces nidranash, hair roots become strong, and hair becomes black and long. All senses of that person become healthy. The facial skin becomes so shiny. A person gets relief from a Headache, Hair fall, or premature greying of hair. e person gets good sleep.
Diseases treated with Shiro Abhyanga
Every disease requires a Shiro abhyanga as the head is considered the root of the body; it should be revitalized at proper intervals with suitable medicines according to the patient’s condition. However, Shiro abhyanga is not performed in the acute stage of any disease. It should be performed only after analyzing the stage of disease and the presence of Ama or undigested materials in the body. You should start performing this treatment only after consulting an ayurvedic expert.
Benefits of Shiro Abhyanga
1. It aids in treating the central nervous system and brain disorders.
2. It relieves headaches and promotes sleep.
3. It provides support to all sensory and motor organs.
4. It helps in the improvement of vision.
5. When done daily, a person’s senses improve.
6. It prevents scalp dryness and irritation.
7. It helps to prevent premature greying and hair loss.
8. It helps to improve the complexion of the hair on the face.
9. Facial massage with oil and cosmetic application to the face improves facial skin, prevents wrinkles and illnesses such as pimples, and strengthens the eyes and cheeks.
10. It promotes long, black, and strong hair growth.
11. A person who does Shiroabhyanga daily would never experience hair loss.
12. Facial skin becomes so, glossy and glowy with regular ShiroabhyangaÂ
A panchakarma procedure is always preceded by a poorvakarma which is performed to analyze the patient’s health status, oil to be selected, a gathering of materials, preparation of the patient, etc., and a paschat karma follows the procedure to analyze the patient status after the procedure and their aftercare plans.
The patient is thoroughly examined using Ayurvedic methods of examination. The Prakriti (basic constitution) and Vikriti (details of morbidity) are documented in detail. The disease is also examined with the help of Ayurvedic diagnosis parameters (and also modern investigations as and when required). After careful assessment, whether Shiro Abhyanga is suitable for the disease and diseased is decided. The treatment line-up, materials, and medicines needed are enlisted accordingly.
The patient is advised to shave the head for better therapeutic efficiency.
Pradhan Karma
- The procedure of Shiro abhyanga includes smearing the oil on the portions of the scalp above the neck, followed by placing specific strokes.
- To perform the Shiro abhyanga procedure, the patient should lie down in Tail Droni or a table.
- Oil with a temperature of 39 to 41 degree Celsius should be applied on the anterior fontanelle of the head, followed by applying over the whole head.
- The whole process can be performed in the following steps:
- Smearing the oil
- Then slow massaging of the head starts, including Ear, Nose, Forehead, face, whole head, etc.
- Massage from before backward, Picking strokes, Flat palm strokes, Rocking strokes, Finger strokes, Fist strokes, Squeeze strokes, Pressing, and Ear massage can be done.
- Try massaging the scalp along with the seemanta marma points.
- After rubbing this oil all over the head, the hair is twisted clockwise. Finally, press the head forward to backward and backward to forward with two hands.
- Duration:Â 30 to 40 minutes for 7 to 21 days.
Paschat Karma
Following the procedure, the patient is asked to rest for 15 minutes and may be allowed to take a hot water head bath. As an alternative to soap, Bengal gram powder is used to make cleansing oil.
As the therapist performs the massage with his bare hands, he must ensure the client is not infected with any contagious disease. Massage should not be performed at such locations if the client has tender points.
Best oils for Shiro Abhyanga
Oil is selected according to the Prakriti and disease condition of the patient. There is an ancient saying from the great vaidyas that a diseased patient should apply the oil on the head and wipe it off, and a healthy one should apply oil and leave it for a few minutes and then rinse with water.
Tila taila or coconut oil can be used by a healthy person as a part of dinacharya.
Alternatively, the following oils can be used according to the condition of the disease.
- Ksheerabala tail- For insomnia, nervous disorders, etc.
- Balaguluchyadi tail- For aggravated pitta conditions.
- Thriphaladi tail- For eye-related disorders
- Karpasasthyadi tail- for Vata disorders
- Surasadi tail- For cold and sinusitis
- Asanavilwadi tail- For eye and ear-related disorders
Things to consider during Shiro Abhyanga
It would be best if you got ready for a Shiro Abhyanga session in advance to enjoy all its benefits from an Ayurvedic practitioner. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- After the therapy, you might need more time to rest.
- You can use this time to avoid unwelcome anxious.Â
- Thoughts as this Ayurvedic therapy purify your senses and mind.
- After the session, try to avoid huge groups. Continue your day in a calm, leisurely atmosphere.
- A big, filling lunch shouldn’t be consumed before the session. Choose a light, wholesome snack or dinner instead.
- After the treatment, you will be instructed to leave the oil in your hair for a few hours, usually overnight. One option is to tie a scarf or a shower cap.
Shiro Abhyanga is the best Ayurvedic treatment for distressing, relaxing, and curing many psychosomatic illnesses. It’s not just about slathering oil on your scalp and massaging it in. Shiro Abhyanga calms our senses and minds, gives us the ability to overcome daily stress, provides a ‘never-been-so-healthy feeling, regularises metabolism, controls and balances the doshas, integrates body-mind coordination, and prevents many diseases.